Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Early Morning Surprise

The other morning I woke up and stumbled down the stairs. I stood rubbing my eyes and gazing out of a large picture window looking out over our pasture lands. The morning mist still hung heavy in the little hollows giving the whole scene a cloaked appearance. As my eyes began to adjust to the growing light I though I saw a small long legged creature out in the field. Thinking my sleepy eyes were fooling me, I rubbed them again and strained to catch another glimpse of the creature I though I had seen.

Just then the, fog lifted, and to my surprise I saw a brand new baby foal standing there. His little nostrils flared as he took in breaths of the fresh morning air. An admiring mother stood by busily nuzzling him with her soft furry nose. The whole scene was breath taking and caused me to rejoice in God’s marvelous creation and the wonder of new life.


Stacy McDonald said...

What a wonderful sight to wake up to! I called our 4-year-old Emma over to see your photos (she LOVES horses). She took one look at the sweet little foal and her eyes lit up! She turned to me and said, "Mama, can I have him?" LOL!

She did listen to reason, however, when I reminded her that babies like to stay with their mamas. ;-)

Kristi said...

Beautiful! It's amazing that a horse can birth a baby that size!

Jacqueline said...

When are you going to post on your most recent exciting news?
Congratulations and Best wishes!!:)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I like your site. I never have done much with horses or farming but I do enjoy nature and the outdoors. The photography is great.

Jessica said...

All of the photographs on your blog are stunning. May I ask about the details of your camera?

Many thanks.

Emma said...

The photos on your blog are absolutely stunning...

Stephen Bittner said...

Terrific photos. It's funny - Stephen mentioned that the mare was pregnant awhile ago, but I forgot about it. Are y'all going to raise him up as a replacement for older ones, or raise him to sell?